Benefits of Youth Sports Participation 

It has been estimated that 22 million children and youth, ages 6 to 18, are involved in organized sports outside of school (Poinsett, 1996). Research indicates that participation in sports can promote healthy development. 

According to the American Sport Education Program (1994), sports participation:  

  • Builds an appreciation of personal health and fitness;

  • Develops a positive self-image;

  • Teaches how to work as part of a team;

  • Develops social skills with other children and adults (such as taking turns and sharing playing time);

  • Teaches both how to manage success and disappointment; and,

  • Teaches how to respect others.

In order to better understand these benefits, much of the research on youth sports has examined how sports enhance aspects of children’s social development. Specifically, studies have examined how sports contribute to the development of social competence—the ability to get along with and be accepted by peers, family members, teachers, and coaches; and, self-esteem—the extent to which an individual believes him/herself to be capable, significant, successful, and worthy (Ewing, 1997).

According to the findings, children learn to assess their social competence in sports through the feedback received from parents and coaches (Ewing, 1997). Self-esteem, on the other hand, is developed through both evaluation of one’s own abilities as well as evaluation of the responses received from others. Children actively observe parents’ and coaches’ responses to their performances by looking for signs (often nonverbal) of approval or disapproval of their behavior.

Lack of feedback and criticism is often interpreted as a negative response to the behavior.

Because children often use social comparison as a way of determining their ability in sport, participation in youth sports activities provides children with many opportunities to determine their ability compared with others on their team (Ewing, 1997). Unfortunately, given the influence of other factors such as maturation and previous knowledge of a sport on one’s ability to perform a sport skill, children often reach incorrect conclusions about their abilities. Thus, the role of parents and coaches is significant in helping children interpret their strengths and weaknesses in a sport.


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What is Sportsmanship? 

Most younger children do not understand fully what is meant by sportsmanship. When one physical education teacher asks his class to explain sportsmanship, he hears such replies as: "Don’t cheat," "Don’t get mad or cry when you lose," or "Don’t yell at your teammates when they make a mistake" (Sitz, 1997). Children often have a hard time understanding the concepts of competition, winning, and losing. This is understandable when you consider that children see all of the attention and rewards thrown toward winners while losers do not receive such focus. The message that kids are learning, then, is that people are valued only if they are a winner (Sitz, 1997). 

On the other hand, most adults can explain sportsmanship by discussing the respect for the game, the players, the rules, and the officials (Sitz, 1997). Adults can understand that it is O.K. to lose and that what is important is to do your best and strive to improve your own abilities. Despite adults’ ability to understand the complexities of sportsmanship, some fail to display good sportsmanship for a variety of reasons. Some parents and adults get wrapped up in the competition because they are living vicariously through their children (Burnett, 1996). Others might have unrealistic expectations about their child, thinking she or he might be the next superstar. To ensure that children gain the benefits of sports participation, however, it is important for parents and coaches to evaluate and monitor their own attitudes and behaviors so that good sportsmanship is learned.


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Ways to Promote Sportsmanship 

Coaches and parents can promote good sportsmanship by:

  • Maintaining a "Fun is Number 1" attitude. If everyone is having fun, it’ll make learning all aspects of the game more enjoyable and rewarding (Burnett, 1996).

  • Designing sport activities which facilitate cooperation rather than just competition so that youth learn about fair play (Ewing, 1997).

  • Teaching children the rules of the game and making sure that everyone (players, parents, fans) abides by those rules during competition (Ewing, 1997).

  • Encouraging and supporting all players on a team (American Sport Education Program, 1994).

  • Controlling emotions in frustrating situations (American Sport Education Program, 1994).

  • Treating officials, coaches, players, teammates, and opponents with respect and avoiding ridicule and sarcasm (Burnett, 1996).

  • Using moments from the game to teach about being a good sport ("I know it seemed like you got the runner at first out, but I was really proud of the way you didn’t argue with the umpire.") (American Sport Education Program, 1994).

  • Making sure there are consequences when poor sportsmanship is displayed (Sitz, 1998).

  • Providing examples of good sportsmanship such as shaking hands with the opponent at the end of the game (Ewing, 1997). 

Participation in youth sports provides numerous opportunities for healthy development physically, socially, and morally. The key to children gaining these benefits comes from coaches, parents, and others adults not only teaching children how to play the sports, but also supporting and demonstrating how to be a good sport. This can be done not only during the game, but also when playing softball in the backyard. 

Information gathered from Kids Source Online -


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